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The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts!

Take two unrelated events, put them into relationship, and the mystical 3rd effect appears.  What if we combine the wisdom of the ancient Chinese masters with the healing powers of shamanistic drumming?  The result is the I Ching Drumming Course.

The I Ching Book of Changes is an ancient philosophy predating Confucius and Lao Tsu – often used as an oracle to predict where a pattern is leading.  The ancient Chinese masters saw the elements of nature as interdependent, always changing and never ending.  They observed the wind, the sun, the water, the thunder, fire, lakes, trees, and mountains as these elements interact with each other.  The relationships thus formed have created the 64 hexagrams that are the essence of the I Ching.

On the other hand, the rhythmic vibrations of the drum have been used for healing by shamans (and other holy ones) in cultures around the world.  They knew that rhythm is the essence of our physical life.  From feeling the pulse of our mother’s heartbeat in utero, to developing our own heartbeat, to taking our first breaths in the world, we experience rhythm as the pulse of life.  We become at home with the rhythms of the earth – sunrise/sunset, life/death, the seasons, action/rest, sound/silence.

What happens when these two traditions are brought together?  A unique experience unexpectedly emerges that takes us to a deeper experience of ourselves and of our relationship with nature.  Happening simultaneously, the rhythmic pulse entrains our bodies into harmony, while the patterns themselves bring us a sharpness of mind. 

As you drum the I Ching patterns, you will notice that there is no repetition as you move through the 64 hexagrams.  You cannot be lulled into a repetitive trance.  It requires you to stay awake, keep focused, and be fully present to the moment.  It also encourages laughter, a light heart, and clears your minds of unwanted mental and emotional clutter.  Through practice, you teach yourself to sustain a focused, calm, centered presence of mind and body.

What is even more amazing is that we can get this total effect in just a few minutes.  As you become familiar with doing the practices, you will find yourself able to sustain your focus for longer exercises, and increase the tempo (rate of speed) with accuracy.  With a refreshed body and a keen mind, you will be ready to embrace the day.  And perhaps the original shamanic drumming and ancient Chinese teachings are somehow contained and transmitted through this union in some mysterious way. 

I invite you to experience the practices of the I Ching Drumming Course, and discover for yourself the effects of combining these two great traditions.  Share your experiences in the blog comment section below so we can all get a greater understanding of the effects of this program. 

Have fun!